Average rating 3.7 / number of ratings 13849
Examine bus trip rating

Rating.bus.com.ua - what is it about?

The site ticket.bus.com.ua gives a lot for passengers - you can find the necessary trip, find out the price of the trip, order a ticket, even know the regularity (reliability) of the trip. BUT it was still impossible to know in advance WHAT CONDITIONS the passenger will go - it is very difficult to find information about the comfort of the bus, the availability of the usual additional services (TV, wi-fi, ..) and as a result, the choice of the trip was to some extent a lottery. Of course, the site ticket.bus.com.ua previously guaranteed that the passenger will necessarily be delivered from point A to point B, but this is not enough in the modern world - buying a ticket in the Internet, the passenger wants to know in advance HOW this will happen

How it works

You use the carrier's services
We send you a question from
You fill out the question form
Your review is published on the site

You setup ratings by yourself

The information about the conditions of the trip is provided by the passengers themselves (and only by those, who really has traveled by this bus - the possibility of "cheating" the rating is absolutely excluded). Special methods of data processing, which exclude prejudiced assessments, allow us to talk about a fairly objective assessment of the QUALITY of the trip.

Carriers react to Your feedback

Quite often webmaster of the portal bus.com.ua (rating.bus.com.ua is a part of this portal) receives complaints and offers on specific trips/travels. Previously, we were limited in the ability to respond to such emails, now rating.bus.com.ua becomes a universal "book of complaints and suggestions", in which You can leave your feedback and be sure that the carrier (the owner of the route) will necessarily see them and make the necessary conclusions.